is an innovation laboratory in the field of smart urban mobility that aims at articulating initiatives developed in this area, providing them a high pedagogical component, innovation, talent acquisition and social impact generation by inclusion of citizenship in proposals.
In agreement with the "Open Innovation" and "Smart Livings" models, ZaraInnova Mobility Lab seeks to support and to contribute to create an intelligent citizenship: "Smart Citizens", as a key way to guarantee the improvement of their quality of life in the "Smart Cities" context.
Yet, in ZaraInnova Mobility Lab we allow ourselves to also coin the term "Smart CITY-SENS", in reference to the different ways in which citizens feel, how they are able to develop their senses in the "living and inhabiting" their urban space, how they appropriate this space; and understand the "smart" use different areas in their cities make.
Thus, beyond the highly technical vision of the term "Smart",ZaraInnova Mobility Labbets on"Creating City"; and claims that the most efficient urban technology is the one born from collective intelligence and that aims at solving the real needs of civil society.